Every parent understands the need to save money to cover the costs of a college education for a child, but not every parent understands the options available to them to fund such an important event in the child’s life. Poor planning can force parents to cut back on everyday living expenses, liquidate retirement plans, borrow from insurance policies, mortgage their homes, and even seek additional employment to fund college costs. There are better options available. Let us help you explore your options and develop a plan to meet this very important goal.
"You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
529 College Savings Plans
Qualified Tuition Program (QTP)
NEST 529
Vanguard 529
Coverdell Education Savings Account
As an independent Registered Advisor firm, we answer to our clients, rather than a parent company with its own agenda. As a fiduciary, we are legally bound to put clients' interests first in any decision we make or recommendation we provide. We pride ourselves on always doing the right thing for those we serve.
Expertise Matters
Financial advisors have widely different levels of expertise. We believe that clients who entrust their wealth to an advisor deserve to work with highly credentialed experts.